Rosin Alcohol Stock Solution

Wolbach's Giemsa Method

Wolbach, Todd, and Palfrey (1922)

Nuclei, collagen.

Stain results:

Nuclei, Bacteria:   Blue
Rickettsia:   Purple
Collagen, other tissue elements:   Pink to rose


  • Wolbach, S.B., Todd, J.L. and Palfrey, F.W., The Etilogy of Pathology Typhus, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA., p. 13 – 14,c 1922
  • Luna, L.G., (ed), Manual of Histologic Staining Methods of the AFIP, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill, Y, p. 119, c. 1968
SKU: 26132-02
Pack: 500 mL