Dyes & Stains

We now offer a complete line of prepared, ready-to-use, high quality staining solutions for all standard staining procedures used by the Biological Staining Commission and the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology.

  • All solutions and concentrations are packaged and prepared in convenient and precise quantities.
  • Premixed ready-to-use; saves you time and effort
  • Consistently uniform results are obtained

For a partial list of all of our stains, please see the Stains Chart and for descriptions of the stains, see chemicals section.

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Acid Fuchsin, Certified, C.N. #DcR-11

This tweezer set offers you a safe place to store your valuable and delicate tweezers.
Storage Cat # Description MSDS Pack Price Quote Quantity
Storage:RT Cat #: 10035 Description: Acid Fuchsin, Certified Pack: 25 g Price: $39.00 Add to Quote:

Acridine Orange

Ultrastructural probes on DNA templates within human bone marrow and lymph node cells. Used to detect changes in DNA template
Storage Cat # Description MSDS Pack Price Quote Quantity
Storage:RT Cat #: 10050 Description: Acridine Orange Pack: 25 g Price: $121.00 Add to Quote:

Alcian Blue 8GX, C.N. #DcAn-25 (Ingrain Blue I)

Used as a fixative, stain, and wetting agent.
Storage Cat # Description MSDS Pack Price Quote Quantity
Storage:RT Cat #: 10350 Description: Alcian Blue 8GX, Certified Pack: 25 g Price: $255.00 Add to Quote:

Alizarin Red S, Certified, C.N. #DcAr-9

Certified for Staining Bone. Stain for nervous tissue in small invertebrates, and for sections of nervous tissue. Use to differentiate bone from cartilage in mammalian embryos; used with Toluidine Blue.
Storage Cat # Description MSDS Pack Price Quote Quantity
Storage:RT Cat #: 10360 Description: Alizarin Red, Certified Pack: 25 g Price: $51.00 Add to Quote:

Aniline Blue, Water Soluble, C.N. #DcK-13

Used with biebrich scarlet for staining collagen, reticulum, muscle, plasma, and nuclei. All connective tissues. Used as a counterstain with red nuclear dye.
Storage Cat # Description MSDS Pack Price Quote Quantity
Storage:RT Cat #: 10840 Description: Aniline Blue, Certified Pack: 25 g Price: $29.50 Add to Quote:

Auramine O, Certified, C.N. #DcAu-4

Used for staining paraffin sections of infected tissue. Acid-fast organisms exhibit fluorescence.
Storage Cat # Description MSDS Pack Price Quote Quantity
Storage:RT Cat #: 10850 Description: Auramine O, Certified Pack: 25 g Price: $86.00 Add to Quote:

Azocarmine G

For research only. Alpha, beta, and all D-cells of the islets of Langerhans and in all animals. Not meant for drug, food or household use.
Storage Cat # Description MSDS Pack Price Quote Quantity
Storage:RT Cat #: 11150 Description: Azocarmine G, Certified Pack: 5 g Price: $30.00 Add to Quote:

Azur A (Methylene Azur A)

Used in nuclear staining; A polychromatic blood stain.
Storage Cat # Description MSDS Pack Price Quote Quantity
Storage:RT Cat #: 11240 Description: Azur A, Certified Pack: 10 g Price: $88.00 Add to Quote:

Azur B (Azur I; Methylene Azur B)

Important component of Giemsa's stain for blood protozoa. Used for staining semi-thin sections of plant tissue. Polychromatic stains for thin sections.
Storage Cat # Description MSDS Pack Price Quote Quantity
Storage:RT Cat #: 11200 Description: Azur B, Certified Pack: 10 g Price: $64.00 Add to Quote:

Azur II

For the morphological details of marrow cells, nuclei, and bacteria.
Storage Cat # Description MSDS Pack Price Quote Quantity
Storage:RT Cat #: 11210 Description: Azur Ii, Certified Pack: 10 g Price: $70.00 Add to Quote:

Azur II Eosin

Water-soluble; Alcohol-slightly soluble. An important component of Giemsa's stain for blood protozoa. Used for staining semi-thin sections of plant tissue.
Storage Cat # Description MSDS Pack Price Quote Quantity
Storage:RT Cat #: 11220 Description: Azur Ii Eosin Pack: 10 g Price: $68.00 Add to Quote:

Basic Fuchsin, Certified, C.N. #DcFb-39

Stain for epoxy-embedded tissuue. Gram positive/negative bacteria. A pituitary stain.
Storage Cat # Description MSDS Pack Price Quote Quantity
Storage:RT Cat #: 11260 Description: Basic Fuchsin, Certified Pack: 25 g Price: $40.00 Add to Quote:

Basic Green 4, Certified, C.N. #DcMg-11

Used as bacteria stain and counterstain for botanical material.
Storage Cat # Description MSDS Pack Price Quote Quantity
Storage:RT Cat #: 18100 Description: Malachite Green 4, Certified C.N.#DcMg-11 Pack: 25 g Price: $46.00 Add to Quote:

Biebrich Scarlet

Used with picric acid/aniline blue for staining collagen, recticulum, muscle, and plasma. Also Luna's method for erythrocytes & eosinophil granules and Guard's method for sex chromatin and nuclear chromatin.
Storage Cat # Description MSDS Pack Price Quote Quantity
Storage:RT Cat #: 11265 Description: Biebrich Scarlet Pack: 25 g Price: $35.00 Add to Quote:

Bismarck Brown Y

PAP for staining smears. Nuclei & granules. Mucin & calciform cells of intestine, cartilage & embryo.
Storage Cat # Description MSDS Pack Price Quote Quantity
Storage:RT Cat #: 11310 Description: Bismark Brown Y, Certified Pack: 25 g Price: $36.00 Add to Quote:

Brilliant Cresyl Blue, Certified, C.N.#DcV-5

Platelets & reticulum of immature red cells. Counterstained with Wright's stain.
Storage Cat # Description MSDS Pack Price Quote Quantity
Storage:RT Cat #: 11465 Description: Brilliant Cresyl Blue, Certified Pack: 10 g Price: $57.00 Add to Quote:

Bromophenol Blue, Reagent, A.C.S.

3',3",5 '5"-Tetrabromophenol-sulfonthalein, F.W. 669.97 CAS #115-39-9
Cat # Description MSDS Pack Price Quote Quantity
Cat #: 11470 Description: Bromophenol Blue Pack: 5 g Price: $28.00 Add to Quote:
Cat #: 11471 Description: Bromophenol Blue Pack: 25 g Price: $97.00 Add to Quote:

Carmine, Certified, C.N. #DcCa-20

Alum Lake of Carminic acid.
Storage Cat # Description MSDS Pack Price Quote Quantity
Storage:RT Cat #: 12410 Description: Carmine, Certified Pack: 10 g Price: $39.00 Add to Quote:

Cresyl Fast Violet, Certified, C.N.#DcW-9

Vogt's method for nerve cells. A neurological tissue stain. Nissl substance & PAS-positive material. Powers & Clark method for spinal cord and brain with formalin or Bouins fixed.
Storage Cat # Description MSDS Pack Price Quote Quantity
Storage:RT Cat #: 12780 Description: Cresyl Fast Violet, Certified Pack: 5 g Price: $95.00 Add to Quote:

Crystal Violet, Certified, C.N.# DcC-68

For Gram positive/Gram negative bacteria, filaments, Holzer's method for glial fibers, Amyloid in human tissue and chromatin and nucleoli in plant tissue.
Storage Cat # Description MSDS Pack Price Quote Quantity
Storage:RT Cat #: 12785 Description: Crystal Violet, Certified Pack: 25 g Price: $24.00 Add to Quote: