Glass Slide Processing Holder

The holder is designed to hold securely five 1 x 3" microscope slides. It comes with a handle for easy manipulation. Up to 50 slides (10 holders) can be processed at one time in one staining vessel from start to finish without interruption.

The slide holder has two sides- one being black and the other white. This allows for easy grouping and identification of the slides. The holder is ideal for both frozen and paraffin sections.

The Slide Holder can be used to:

  1. Fix frozen sections in acetone
  2. Deparaffinize and rehydrate paraffin sections
  3. Isolate sections on the slide with our PAP Pen (#71310)
  4. Immunostain, incubate and wash
  5. Counter stain. Mounting with medium

The holder measures: 6¼" x 3½" (159 x 89 mm) excluding the handle.

SKU: 71524-10
Pack: 10 Pack