10 Thin Film Standards

These standards are supplied as fine powders that are dispersed onto holey-carbon films and are selected from the range of certified natural and synthetic compounds already in use by us to prepare bulk analysis standards.

The holey-carbon films are supported by a 3.05 mm copper grid (400 mesh). However, for analysis under critical conditions, we can supply alternative grid materials, such as beryllium or carbon composite. If requested, we can disperse the standards onto uncoated grids.

Universal set of Thin Film Standards:
Ag2Te BaSO4 Be3Al2Si6O18 Bi2Se3 CaMoO4
CaWO4 CdTe CeAl2 Cu2S FeCr2O4
GaAs Gd3Ga5O12 HgTe InP InSb
KAlSi3O8 LaB6 Li2Ta2O6 (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 Na3AlF6
Pb-Ge glass SrTiO3 TlBr ZnS ZrSiO4
Manufacturer: MAC
SKU: 80080-10
Pack: Set